“What it takes to be a future Leader in your functional areas does not follow a static set of rules but a fast moving changing picture due to volatile market and demand dynamics”.
RALI is a deeply researched resource developed for the modern world in response to demand from leaders who want instant informed, continually updated and evidence based market insights in order to stay relevant and competitive.
It isn’t always native intelligence, talent, length of service or dedication that determines success but that the difference often lies in the critical combination and leveraging of leadership capabilities and experience to deliver future results in a world where skills are becoming obsolete at a faster pace (Research indicates that up to 30% of current skills will become obsolete within 5 years in a typical role)
RALI is based on insights and trend data gained from 5+ years’ extensive global research, backed up by numerous interviews carried out with executives in leading organisations.
Our team of leadership experts have further tested and refined emerging insights with leaders across multiple sectors to validate the findings.
RALI profiles and assesses the alignment of current leadership capabilities & experience to future market needs & peer competitors by leveraging real time data.
Results are calculated according to responses to 36 questions across 18 future focussed market requirements.
Comparisons are based on role function, leadership level, size of organisation, geographical region and sector enabling leaders to benchmark themselves against relevant peer competition & future market needs.
Gaps, risks and development areas are highlighted to future proof the leader’s value in a way which outperforms competitors and meets future market dynamics, talent & leadership demand needs more fully.
To complete the questionnaire and benchmark your leadership profile score Click here
The chairman of the judges said: “Similar to the industrial revolution, the digital revolution has changed the business world forever. New technology and the increased pace of change impacts on leadership on a daily basis and executives often don’t have all the key information they need to hand. RALI has changed this. It gives executives instant information in real time on key leadership trends enabling them to have information on hand and make well-informed decisions. The index is a radical tool and a must have for leaders who want to stay on top of their game”.